1340 Ben Sawyer Blvd., Suite A   |   Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina   |   843.884.2907

How It Works

Learn at Your Pace and Your Level...

As far as lesson plans I like to build one around each individual student's wants and needs. I like to say that "you are pilot and I am the navigator". Learning material, books and such are chosen after assessing the direction the student wants to go musically. I keep a log of the lessons so I can check on the progress. Many things that might work for me do not work for the student and vice versa. By me keeping an open mind and adapting to this I feel progress is made at a much more rapid pace.

I am well versed in the use of written music, music theory, scales [regular and exotics], chord charts, chord construction, and teaching by tablature. If a person [adult] has no interest in learning how to read music and just wants to learn to entertain themselves on the guitar I can provide for them a method to do so. A person in their 40's who is just starting out on guitar more then likely is not looking for a career in the music field. But I can take you to any level that you desire be it amateur or hard core professional. Advanced students are sometimes just looking for fresh ideas and not wanting to rehash the basics.

My studio has Internet access so we use YouTube and Google as teaching tools. Amplifiers are provided and if you need to you may borrow a guitar if you are unable to have yours at the lesson.

When teaching younger students [10 to 16] I try to stress getting a strong knowledge of the rudiments of music and highly suggest developing the ability to read music, knowing theory and understanding the language of music. I would not like to think as they progress in their playing that they could be blind sided down the road for the lack of not knowing these skills. These are very important in case the student shows an interest in musical programs offered at school or church. The guitar is somewhat of an "Odd Duck" instrument. You can play it well and not have a great knowledge of musicality. I do try to make the point it is equally important to be a good player and a good musician. In my experience sometimes it has not even been in that order.

On the other hand I do want them to have fun. Personally I did not want to play "Mary had a Little Lamb" when I was in my young teens. I didn't want to play it when I was 9 and just getting started. And I don't want them to think I listen to that when I go home. Playing "Jingle Bells" in August seems at bit over the top to me as well. I can supplement another exercise to take the place of something that is insulting to their intelligence.

By letting students choose songs they like on some of the lessons makes practice more enjoyable thus more practice time. Often a teacher will stop a student from "doodling about " on something they might have made up on their own. I encourage them to make things up. I think it inspires creativity and out side of the box thinking. I feel those attributes are useful musically and in life in general. I even try to give them fresh ideas to help with this process.

When teaching students under 9, I want a parent or guardian in my studio with the child during the lesson. My teaching area is large enough to have at least 3 people in it. In away they will be getting guitar lesson as well. [Don't worry I don't charge you]. I remember when I was a kid my thought process was all over the place. With the parent at the lesson they are able to work with the child at home on the assignments. You will be able to explain while they are practicing what the lesson was about and keep things on track in case they forgot.

Also you may call or email me with any question you might have about a lesson and I will get back with you ASAP. There is no charge for this. I would rather you call me then practice the lesson wrong.

When it comes to teaching children students I always say I have only one rule:

If the child only has time to practice or do his home work , I say do the home work. I tell them this is a place they where they never will be yelled at. I will understand if they didn't get as much practice time in due to a heavy school work load, sports, band or family vacation.

Besides..... [as I always say] "If you don't do your home work when you grow up you get to work at the guitar store. And if you NEVER do your home work when you grow up you get to OWN the guitar store". [That's a Joke]

Guitar Lessons, Bass Lessons, Mandolin Lessons, Buy Guitars, Sell Guitars
Located in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina